Medical Skin Care Center
Medical Skin Care Center
1700 Highway 25 N
Buffalo, MN 55313
Phone:(763) 684-3700

Physician provided services include:

* Botox Cosmetic Injection (frown lines, crows feet, angry lines)
* Restylane (instant long lasting wrinkle correction
* Sclerotherapy
* VNUS Closure Procedure
* Acne Laser Treatments
* Microdermabrasian (oily skin, acne scars, skin blotches)
* Hair Removal (dark hair on legs, arms and more)
* Vascular Lesion Laser (spider veins, rosacea, stork bites, lentigo)
* Laser Skin Peels (acne scars, pigment lesions, wrinkles)
* Photo-rejeuvenation (stimulates collagen for fresher, younger look)
* Photo-dermatology (mole mapping and telederm)

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