Aesthetic Therapies
Aesthetic Therapies
563 Bielenberg Drive,
Saint Paul, MN 55125
Phone:(651) 739-5181
At Aesthetic Therapies, we are committed to providing you the highest level of therapeutic care for your skin's health and appearance issues. We believe that EXPERIENCE matters.
The finest in therapeutic skin care treatments and products are available to our clients, and services are performed by state Licensed Estheticians, with Paramedical Esthetician certification.
Electrolysis, the only permanent hair removal method, is practiced here by board Certified Electrologists and Board Certified Electrologists and Instructors. National Board certification has long been the guide to consumers of health related services. The Certified Professional Electrologist proudly displays CPE with his or her name and CPE seal. What it means is that the individual has voluntarily placed his or her knowledge and skill against national standards and has emerged equal or better. I is your assurance of professionalism.
©Copyright 2006 Aesthetic Therapies Inc.
