Center for Dermatology - Robert J Zabel MD
Center for Dermatology - Robert J Zabel MD
20520 Keokuk Avenue
Suite 104
Lakeville, MN 55044
Welcome to Center for Dermatology! We welcome you as a patient and thank you for your confidence and trust. We appreciate the opportunity to treat your skin care needs.
Introducing Isolaz Deep Pore Laser Therapy. This breakthrough technology is safe for all skin types. Isolaz is the world’s only aesthetic technology that combines pressure and light to treat acne, skin rejuvenation and hair removal.
* For acne treatment, the vacuum (pressure) helps loosen and extract blackheads and excess oil from deep within your pores while the laser (light source) destroys acne-causing bacteria.
* For skin rejuvenation and hair removal the vacuum gently lifts the skin, allowing the laser to comfortably: improve the appearance of facial redness, visible vessels and brown spots; improve skin tone; and remove unwanted hair.
* Treatments are safe, comfortable, effective and fast.
* There is no post-treatment down time allowing you to return to your regular activities immediately.
