Uptown Dermatology & Skin Spa
Uptown Dermatology & Skin Spa
1221 W Lake Street, # 208,
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Phone:(612) 455-3200
Welcome to Uptown Dermatology & SkinSpa. We appreciate your interest in getting to know us! There are several things we’d like you to know about our office and our staff as you decide who to entrust your skin care to.
Uptown Dermatology & SkinSpa can safely and effectively remove unwanted hair with laser technology. Lasers have now become the preferred method of removing hair for several reasons. Most hair reduction lasers target melanin (brown pigment) in a hair. The laser's energy is selectively absorbed by the hair follicle and bulb, and much less by the surrounding tissue. Possible side-effects from laser hair removal are rare, but can include scar or a change in color of your skin. Darker-hair and lighter-skin patients have the lowest risk of side effects, but the Harmony laser can be used safely and effectively on darker skin types.
The speed of the laser makes it practical to treat larger areas such as bikini areas, under arms, lips, chins, and virtually anywhere hair grows.
© Uptown Dermatology & SkinSpa, P.A.
